Legends 2 | Single/DM | Author: Mike Beaulieu | Download 101kt
I just re-reviewed 'Legends' and now it's time for another. The problem was that
the download link to download this level has been broken, so now 'Legends 2' is back
with a new review and a download link that works.
Mike Beaulieu's work is amazing. He made awesome details already when Duke3D was
still fresh and new. Legends 2 is a classic too like all Mike's levels (get 'Bobafett' too).
Legends was a cave/alien-base level. Legends 2 is a jungle level. As you know not many
games had forests during the time that Legends 2 was released. Mike has created a very good
looking jungle with trees and caves. Atmosphere is amazing. Level has wind sounds, explosions
and it's very dark. Level also has two great looking vehicles (a plane and a truck). There's
also this "The Ewok village" in the end. It's from Star Wars (oh really?).
Anyways (bad habit but I just have to say 'anyways' in almost every review) 'Legends 2' is a true
classic with amazing design, cool explosions, dark theme and a very good gameplay.
You can still check the original/old review from here but to download the level click the
download link above.
