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4th of August 2024

Duke Nukem Militarized Zone | Single | Author: ValiantDan | Download

The Review: A Gen Z usermap in that it was found on Reddit/X rather than the traditional boomer channels, Duke Nukem Militarized Zone (DNMZ; not to be confused with DMZR) is ValiantDan's first published work. The opening is kinda reminiscent of Doom Eternal; Duke is on a space station/ship overlooking Earth, then steps into a teleporter taking him to LA to inflict another round of mayhem on the aliens. The map is fairly linear. First you advance down an apartment building (this bit in turn reminded me of the Capitol building level in Duke DC), then along two street areas separated by gates; finding keys requires only slight deviations from the main route, and there aren't many optional areas along the way. Not that this is criticism or anything, as not every city map needs to be elaborately nonlinear with a million ways to go here and there.
The map is fun to play. The linear, compartmentalized nature of it means you won't be overwhelmed at any point, or get shot at from multiple angles. Rather, enemies often appear in front of you (aside from a few select respawns) and there's always either good cover available or a way to quickly retreat to a better position (as with the first street area). The ending is a fun claustrophobic fight against several alien drones, a nice switch from all the lone Nukebuttons and repetitive boss fights.
For a first release design is surprisingly strong throughout the map. The author doesn't seem to like flat buildings, instead opting to give your surroundings a more three-dimensional look with more elaborate and detailed exteriors, even if they're there merely for decoration (as said, you rarely step off the main path). Moreover, the author is good with stuff that's been blown up or torn apart, like destroyed buildings beyond the gameplay area or the collapsed road in the first street section. Lighting is solid (although unremarkable) and texturing relies on a diverse selection of textures with overall a pretty tidy and polished look.

Conclusion: A praiseworthy first release, DNMZ is a linear city map that's fun to play and pleasant to look at owing to its fair combat and detailed buildings surrounding the gameplay area.

Rating: 94

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