Single Maps | Episodes | Collaborations | Community Build Projects | Other Games
Single Maps
Prison | Single-Player | Released 9.16.2022 | Download
Description from the news section:
Some of you may remember a Total Conversion called A.W.O.L. from back in the day (and I mean like from
20+ years or so ago), worked on by a guy called Hudson and a bunch of other people. Well, like many TC
projects of the day, AWOL never really got anywhere and was abandoned for 20 years. Then, almost exactly
two years ago Hudson approached me about reviving the project, and so I agreed to contribute a map. The
plan was to get the game on the "cover disc" of the retro-themed E1M1 magazine, with initial deadline
set for spring 2021. Expectedly that deadline flew right by and, if I recall correctly, a new deadline
was then set for the Realms Deep event of 2021 (late summer). I got my map's design more or less done by
then, but it was still missing some key scenes that were dependent on features that weren't yet available.
That deadline too was missed and then the E1M1 magazine collapsed. By then we had decided to put the game
on Steam anyway, and two weeks ago AWOL was finally released.
MSSP 9: New Pietniemi | Single-Player | Released 4.30.2019 | Download
I started working on this space-themed, loose continuation of the MSSP series only a week prior to MSDN's 20th anniversary. I missed the deadline (21st of April) by an inch. It's a "New LA" type map with some "Freeway" and V5 influences thrown in as well. The map is named after the neighborhood where I grew up.
Block City | Single-Player | Released 4.25.2015 | Download
Block City started with my 1.5 Hour CBP entry, Speed City. I expanded the map two years later by adding another street area with two enterable buildings; this was mostly to get something done for MSDN's 16th anniversary. While Speed City was built in 1.5 hours, Block City took a bit longer than that but spread over three days. It's a very vanilla city map.
Energeia | Single-Player | Released 3.23.2015 | Download
My contribution to the second episode of the AMC TC, Energeia takes place on a planet soaked in MAKO energy. You play as yours truly, on a mission to inspect his newly-acquired facility. The map is pretty colorful with a vibrant skybox, and I tried to get some mileage out of various AMC TC features. The plot is a bit silly, but this was an effort to inject some tongue-in-cheek humor into a project that was becoming increasingly serious. And it worked; according to an MS Corp poll, gamers cited the map as the main reason they downloaded the AMC TC in the first place.
The Hoover Dam | Single-Player | Released 4.29.2013 | Download
Fill this with text later. All relevant info really here.
Snow Base | Single-Player | Released 1.29.2012 | Download
I joined the AMC TC in its early stages, back when the title still referred to the legendary Alejandor's Mapping Center. The project already had a bunch of new & enticing features, plenty of "new" textures, and of course it appealed to the mappers' egos by having them as playable characters in the game. My map isn't terribly original theme-wise, being another snow-covered hi-tech base (I had already done one for Brave New World). I got an extra boost of motivation from Daikatana & Unreal Tournament (community map pack) soundtracks (replaced since then). The map is still pretty solid, but the VR section is kinda crude, the mecha section feels slightly forced and the story bits could've been better fleshed out.
Dukecide | Single-Player | Released 4.21.2009 | Download, Download DukePlus
This map was specifically designed for the MSDN 10th anniversary update. The design idea for Dukecide came from an old map "Steel". I also took some influences from Quake 2. The map heavily utilizes Duke Plus which adds some extra flavor with Dukebots and new effects. As in "Steel", everything is pretty grey as this is Duke in a very grim world. It's not too big, more like a medium-size map that almost breaks the old limits. Will not work without Duke Plus. Gameplay video available here.
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A Winterland Memory | Single-Player | Released 4.21.2006 | Download, Mirror, Mirror 2
I started building this map about a week before Christmas. The plan was to have it finished by Christmas eve. This didn't happen. The map was almost done but almost is not enough. Instead, it was left to rot for four months. On 20th of April I picked the map up again and decided to have it finished on the 21st - the day of MSDN anniversary. "A Winterland Memory" is a medium size winter map that continues where "Earth Base" (check below) left. A new Ice Age has taken over, man has left the Earth and the aliens are occupying it. The map comes with two optional skyboxes - pick your favorite. Reviews The Abandoned Workshops, Duke4Ever.
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Earth Base | Single-Player | Released 12.24.2004 | Download
"MikkoVille" is a project I started while I was still in the army. I worked hard during the summer 2004 but then ran out of sectors. I was happy with what I had accomplished and I didn't want to start cutting details in order to finish it. So I waited and finally Jonof released a new version of his port which broke the old sector limit. "Earth Base" was therefore the first "Jonof" level. Originally it was a summer map but at some point I turned its theme to winter and added a nice skybox (another Jonof feature). Reviews Quakis Shockwave, DN-R.
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MSSP8 | Single-Player | Released 11.14.2004 | Download
Another level which I'm pretty proud of. The first street section belonged to a CBP map that never got released. I liked the part I built for the project so I didn't want to trash it - so I started to build a whole map around it. I never intended to continue the MSSP Episode serie but since this is an "insignificant" release I thought that it'd be a nice addition to MSSP serie. I built it quite fast and ran out of sectors. The level was released on my 20th birthday. Reviews DN-R.
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O'Boy | Single-Player | Released 4.21.2003 | Download
Before I started working on "O'Boy" I had a long break from mapping. The previous release - MSSP7 - was released in 2001 and then I decided not to build any more Duke maps. I broke that promise and this level is a result of that. It's a medium size city map with some hi-tech parts and cramped outdoor areas. Later it became the first level (with some improvements & extended gameplay) of my "Brave New World" mini-mod. Reviews DN-R, AMC, DukeWeb.
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The Brave New World | Single-Player | Released 1.1.2004 | Download
This is the release I'm most proud of. It has five very different levels where Duke is sent to chase Mikko Sandt - the leader of a multinational corporation. Most of the stuff was completed during the sweaty summer of 2003 and the pack was released only two weeks before I had to leave to the army. The gameplay is pretty basic but I'm proud of what I did with the levels and the storyline should keep you awake. Check the BNW section for more screenshots. Reviews, The Abandoned Workshops, DN-R, AMC.
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MSSP Episode v3.0 | Single-Player/DM | Released March 2001 | Download
Originally - back in the spring of 1999 when I released MSSP1 I didn't think of building an episode. However as the levels (MSSP maps) just kept coming I decided to join them. First release - MSSP Ep v1.0 - got out in June 2000. Later when I completed MSSP6 I released the second version in January 2001 and finally the last version - v3.0 - in March 2001 after the release of MSSP7. The pack includes eight levels (seven MSSP maps and a boss map), new graphics, sounds, midis and some "updated" enemies. Check the original site here: Reviews AMC, DN-R
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Duke Tournament | DM/Single-Player | Released May 2000 | Download
First started as a single-player TC "Alien War" (project name - never public), then once I moved the site to Dukeworld (which later died and I moved to Dukeland which then became Planetduke) it became known as "Millennium" single-player TC. The first single-player episode "Annihilation" was mostly made during the summer of -99 with a lot of help & inspiration from George W.Bernard (Last Reaction & Water Bases). After these five sp levels I quickly lost interest although I had specific plans for the second episode. This was also the time when I was a Quake 3 fanboy for a moment. So Millennium became "Duke Tournament" which now has one single-player episode "Annihilation" (of five levels) & a dukematch episode of eight levels. The levels are of "ok"-quality and the dukematch levels can be launced with bots (I have included the necessary .bat files for that). Before Dukeworld went down DT had over 20 000 downloads! Check the original site here:
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Duke Hard | Single-Player | Released 06.22.2014 | Download, ModDB
The episode is inspired by the movie Die Hard & the Doom megawad "Going Down". There are 17 new maps with plenty of variety and creativity in them, not to mention new end-of-level and intro screens to give it the appearance of an expansion. Each mapper designed one floor, had to respect given dimensions and couldn't make alterations to the surrounding buildings for the sake of continuity. My map is called Bits. It's about destroying a CPU before the aliens get their hands on it. Looking at it now, I'm kinda satisfied with the way the map's texturing and lighting turned out. Some doorways are a bit cramped though and I wish I had made some effects a bit more pronounced. Reviewed here.
Metropolitan Mayhem | Single-Player | Released 03.02.2012 | Download, ModDB
The idea with Metropolitan Mayhem was to spend no more than 24 hours (including time not spent with the editor) working on a map. We had a good start but things got in the way and yada yada. I contributed four maps. (I actually thought it was three but upon replaying the mod some days ago - I'm writing this as of 22nd of June 2022 - I was surprised to notice I had made a second boss map based on The Queen as well.) Looking back on these maps, there are a few things I'd change, but overall I'm quite satisfied with how these turned out, particularly LAPD & The finale (based on MRCK's cool idea). Too bad the monster spam and the blatant breaking of the episode's cohesion in some of the latter-maps-not-made-by-me leave a sour taste (I don't like Derailing and the two "bonus" boss maps at all). The episode was guest reviewed by Gambini.
Galbadia | Single-Player/Dukematch | Released 9.13.2012 | Download
This was a project by MetHunter and Steambull; I joined in later to contribute an apartment to one of the buildings surrounding the central park. The project then stalled until I picked it up and added some finishing touches. Prior to replaying this in November 2022, I remembered my contribution being just that one tiny apartment plus tying up some loose ends, but it seems I did do quite a bit more (the entire hive section, the real estate agency and at least parts of the library). In any case, this is still a pretty fun map with a lot of consistency in its design (despite four people having contributed to it) and a few cool ideas thrown in, like the sequence leading up to the final boss battle (that's all me as far as I can remember).
Sin Center | Single-Player/Dukematch | Released 2.26.2012 | Download
A city map by MetHunter taking place around a parking garage of a red light district. This one was almost finished by Met by the time I got it; I can see my handiwork mostly around the parking garage, its backalleys and the street area following the garage. A lot of the gameplay and navigation was probably added by me, and while this turned out an all-around good map, I should have done a better job with the invisible walls at the start.
Done & Dusted | Single-Player | Released 5.21.2011 | Download
Quakis had sent me a whole bunch of unfinished scraps earlier; back in the day he was notorious for starting and then quickly abandoning projects. I noticed most maps shared a very similar hi-tech theme and thus could easily be combined into single map. What I ended up sending back to Quakis consisted of ten scraps put together with some added gameplay. Quakis then improved and added more consistency to the map (Quakis's own style had undergone changes and thus some of the map's design needed to be updated to reflect that) - under a strict time limit of course, lest his bad habits got the better of him again:) A year later another improved version was released.
Discarded Stronghold | Single-Player | Released 8.17.2007 | Download
Like "Hidden Zone", this one is another map that was not really made by me but one that I gave a finishing touch in order to save it from abandonment. Quakis worked on several similarly themed hi-tech maps and as they were about to be forgotten, William Gee took the scraps, put them together and added some outdoor areas. I added a few rooms, fixed some bugs, finished several unfinished rooms and added gameplay. "Discarded Stronghold" is a Ruin-inspired hi-tech facility.
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Hidden Zone | Single-Player | Released 2.27.2007 | Download
"Hidden Zone" consists of two unfinished levels which were originally made by George-W. Bernard for Chimera TC (a sequel to LR&WB). I managed to get my hands on these maps back in 2001. The maps were rather short alone but I decided to combine them into one medium size map. I also added some details and gameplay. There's plenty of new art from Chimera so that you're able to play the map without Chimera (that's not even recommended since it may not run right). Atomic Edition is required and I recommend that you use either of the popular ports. Reviews: The Abandoned Workshops.
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QContMS | Single-Player | Released 1.1.2006 | Download
Quakis came up with an idea that would unite the Community. The idea was to start a contest where Quakis would provide a very basic sketch for a map which we would then continue the way we want to. Two people (me & Puritan) finished their contest maps but the contest was long gone. My map turned out to be a smallish, highly detailed, Quake-inspired level with plenty of gray walls & action. There's also a killer skybox that fits the theme. Reviews The Abandoned Workshops.
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Community Build Projects
Community Build Projects | Single-Player | Released - |
Blackjack's Build Museum ("BJShrine") was the very first of the so-called Community Build Projects. This was still back in the Dukeworld days, so many of the contributors stopped mapping when Dukeworld collapsed. Unlike the succeeding CBPs, BJShrine was a "museum" featuring bits from already released maps (mine being from MSSP6). CBP2 was then the first post-Dukeworld Community Build Project, conceived at Alejandro's Mapping Center (or "AMC"). This still being the pre-Jonof/EDuke32 era, each mapper could only contribute a small part due to limited resources. There were also no limitations on the theme, so contributors could build whatever they liked. My bits for CBPs 2 & 3 are a mix of hi-tech and outdoor design. My style was quite clean and organized back then, which kinda gives it certain appeal that's not . Next up was CBP5, a notable CBP because it had a specific theme; a haunted city. I've never been particularly good at (or interested in) building for the horror theme, so my street area (I actually couldn't even remember what I had built for the map until replaying the map) may be a bit too tidy for the theme. CBPs 6 & 7 continued with the "shared theme" theme. The sixth was the first Duke Repository CBP. I built a hi-tech segment near a beach; I still like the way the part looks, and it blends in nicely with the natural environment. (The rest of the map isn't that good though; the map is too dark after the volcano and suffers from a bunch of annoyances, including the volcano's neverending explosions and a gimmicky multi-button puzzle.) The seventh CBP benefits from having only a few authors, making for one the most consistent CBPs of the early days. My contribution is another grey hi-tech segment, but it still looks pretty good. Despite cramped surroundings, this is still one of the best CBPs. The seventh also ended the vanilla era. The limit-breaking era began with Jonof's Community Build Project 1 (which was actually released before CBP7). I was running out of ideas by this time, so it's another hi-tech base that seems to borrow a little bit from MSSP5 and my then-upcoming Quake map, Distractions. Detailing is decent, but it just looks a bit dull (kinda like the rest of the map, which is just way too dark). The second Jonof CBP is the first space-based CBP; the goal was to make it more or less like a Lunar Apocalypse map, and I think my part did a pretty good job at that. Then there's a string of gimmicky CBPs. In 1 and 2-hour CBPs each mapper was given an hour and two hours to finish their parts. Not much could be accomplished (save for a tiny Idiocracy reference in the 2-hour map), but I did much better in Speed City for the 1.5-Hour CBP, a project that differed significantly from the rest in that each contribution was a separate map. Each participant in this Community Build Project had 90 minutes to make a map from start to finish. Speed City is what I came up with. It's a short (duh!) city map inspired by Hollywood Holocaust. I later expanded the map in Block City. DukePlus Community Build Project was built around DukePlus features, most notably Duke's skycar. I made a short hi-tech section following Gambini's rather impressive starting area. Not much to say about this one, but the map as a whole is pretty cool. Suburban Hives 1 and 2 are gloomy urban maps that have been hit with an alien infestation. My parts aren't bad, but they're just generic hi-tech bits with some alien textures. 20-sector CBP was meant to work so that each mapper contributed only 20 sectors at a time, but the project took 7 years and the rules had to be relaxed to finish the map. (My part is tiny and probably the only one that respected the 20-sector rule.)
Fate Reversal | Single-Player | Released 6.9.2010 | Download
For years making a Half-Life single-player mod was among the things I swore I'd do one day: Half-Life is one of the best platforms for great custom-made single-player adventures. Already in 2003 I drew a somewhat comprehensive plan for a 5-to-7-map Half-Life mod. That project never took off but some of the ideas made it all the way to Fate Reversal, which started as a city map (now the fifth map of the mod) back in December 2007. I wanted the player to visit several different locations rather than making another Black Mesa-centered mod. Most of the work was done in the first few months of 2009 and 2010. Like with the Brave New World, I worked on many maps simultaneously to avoid getting bored. Fate Reversal is my biggest work so far (in addition to Duke Tournament, but that was pretty amateurish) and I'm particularly proud of its variety. Trailer here (or here). Reviews: ModDB, PlanetPhillip, SP Map Corner, TAW.
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Lifeline | Deathmatch/Tourney/TeamDM | Released 7.20.2008 | Download, Mirror, Mirror 2
Old description: I suddenly dug up GTKRadiant and started working on a new Quake 3 Arena tourney (1-on-1) map,
drawing inspiration as I was listening to Sash!. The map got bigger as I worked on
it and it expanded into a deathmatch (Free For All) map. The map uses mostly third
party art such as Evillair's set of clean and futuristic textures and Sock's
skyboxes. There are two versions of the map in the pack, a summer and a winter version. Gameplay video here. Reviews: LVLWorld.
This map still looks pretty good, relying on just a few textures, and I still can't decide between the two skyboxes. It's certainly
more spacious than my first attempt (see below) to make a Q3A map, and thus better for strafejumping & such. For some weird reason
I left a box of BFG ammo lying around (couldn't bother compiling the map one last time just for that), and that Angels & Airwaves
poster is kinda gay.
MSTourney 1| Tourney| Released 2.22.2003 | Download, Mirror, Mirror 2
Old description: After I finished my first UT level I decided to start working on my first Quake 3 Arena level.
GTKRadiant - the Q3A editor - is a bit better than UEd. Modifying & resizing brushes is easy
and windows are better than in UEd. 'MSTourney 1' is a small tourney level. Tourney means
one-on-one duel on small levels (like Rocket Arena). Works well with bots. Textures are mostly
from Sock and they look very fresh.
LVL review here.
In retrospect, this map kinda sucks as a Quake 3 tourney map; it doesn't accommodate strafejumping
and other Q3A gymnastics at all, having much too small a scale for anything like that. But I say I still
like the visual theme with its spires and texturing, and it might still be fun between two noobs who don't
know how to play Q3A the "right way":)
Distractions | Single-Player | Released 9.22.2007 | Download, Mirror, Mirror 2
Old description: This is a level I should have done years ago. Making a Quake map is something I have wanted to do for years but it took me almost ten years to actually start working on one. The map was built with Worldcraft 1.6, an editor I learned to use as I worked on the map. "Distractions" is a hi-tech IKBase/Speedbaze map with a good amount of details and a challenging gameplay. Func_Msgboard topic. Reviews: The SP Map Corner, Underworldfan, The Abandoned Workshops, Quaddicted. I still like this map a lot. Some of the natural surroundings are too blocky, and I'd tinker with the lighting more (it's atmospheric but just a bit too dark) if I were to make the map today. Gameplay is refreshingly tough, and texturing is solid.
More crap for single-player:
Classic Maps,
Shop, Worms, DnWorld2,
Begin to Nowhere,
Mikko Sandt Platoon: The Edge
For Dukematch: