Wolf2Duke contains four episodes and the final episode is designed only for Dukematch.
Levels are like in real ID's Wolfenstein 3d. Looks like the author's didn't spend much
time in making levels. Anyway levels are fun to play and looks like the ones from Wolf 3d.
Score 7/10
All enemies are new from the Wolfenstein. Enemies doesn't offer a challenge and they are
very weaks but fits in the TC.
Score 7½/10
Not much new weapons. Pistol is trash but machinegun and doom shotgun were great. I was
hoping that the Wolf2duke TC would have had more new weapons.
Score 7/10
Sounds are like the ones from Wolf and arts also. Nothing else special.
Score 7/10
Lastability: Nicely designed Duke/Wolf conversion but levels should have been better:
Version: 1.4 or 1.5
Size: 3,43Mt
Score: 7