Fakir's levels: Fakir made a pack of usermaps for Speedtrax Racing. These levels are for both multiplayer modes but not for Time Attack. There are some Knockout levels & normal race levels. They're well designed, balanced (well can't say much about that since I haven't played this thing online) and they fit well with the original Speedtrax. The use of accelerators in one of the levels is well thought - could be fun online.
Conclusion: For single player fans this conversion is useless. There are only two Time Attack levels. The idea is funny and most likely works well online but like every multiplayer pack out there - this one too leaves single players cold. Installation process is a bit unusual so I recommend you just to unzip the files to some empty directory & copy your setup.exe, duke3d.exe & maybe some other necessary files (don't touch duke3d.grp or cons) from your 1.4 directory to Speedtrax directory.
Download (original Speedtrax Racing): SUNET's FTP
Download (Fakir's usermaps): Fileplanet
Version: 1.4, 1.5
Author: Megaton & Fakir
Size: 7Mb & 1.54Mb
Original Speedtrax Racing:
Fakir's usermaps: