Redevil | Single/DM | Author: Marcus G. Tovar | Download 99kt
Redevil is based on some Resident Evil level. I have played
Resident Evil for five minutes (and it sucks - just like all
non-Final Fantasy PSX/PS2/X-Box/GangstaConsole games) so
spotting similarities is not my job.
The level is rather empty - very basic. There's some attention
to details but that is limited to maybe two or three rooms
(the red room with that huge machine & the room with those
six pods or something). Lightning is not that bad - it's
present and mostly where it should be. There are quite a
lot of bugs.
Texturing is dull and basic. There's some trimwork but there
should be a lot more.
Gameplay is pretty good. It's still pretty basic (99% of levels
are), some keys & buttons but monster/ammo balance is ok. Hidden
buttons (flatted against a box for example) defy logic - there should
always be a pattern (unless you're going for 2 Bizarre). The level
ends with a boss combat (Emperor) - it's not that tough but you
have no extra ammo. I had to finish him off with pipe bombs.
Conclusion: Needs a lot more attention to details & texturing but it's
still quite fun.