GLVL1 | Single/DM | Author: Guillaume Beaupre | Download 47Kb
Description: Another surprise, GLVL1 is done by an unknown author who hits the remnants of the Duke3D Community with a kick-ass first release.
Review: "GLVL1" is a small, good-looking city map with a Postal Rifle Association
headquarters. The hq consists of a lobby, a conference room and then
there's some office space. There's also a storage area near the end with
a few nasty Protector Drones. Lighting
is good but two areas, the streets and the storage area,
seemed a bit too bright.
Texturing is basic; clean, simple and well trimmed.
Gameplay is also basic with two keys and a good, but hard, load
of monsters. The first few minutes are the toughest
since you'll run out of ammo the minute you face the
first three Piggies. The difficulty level settles down
soon after the street area but is still above average.
Small, tough and thoroughly well-designed city/indoor
Rating: 89