31st of October 2024
Hellraiser | Single/Multi | Author: Andrew Irvine | Download
This horror-themed map is all the way from 1996. As the name implies, it's based on the Hellraiser movies.
Too bad then I haven't seen any of them, as I'm not really into the genre. Anyway, the map itself consists
of linear, narrow corridors (including a maze) with some rooms here and there consisting of torture stuff
(crushers, fire and chains - lots of chains, in fact). There isn't much detailing, but at least the map's
swing doors open in the right direction and aren't oversized. There are plenty of aliens to kill for such a
small-ish map, but you should be well equipped for the journey. Watch out for some nice ambushes along the way
and be mindful that there never really is much space to move around (except retreating behind the previous
corner). The ending is a bit tricky as well, involving navigating an outdoor area with thin pathways while
being shot at by some floating object.
The map isn't really impressive by any means in 2024, but if I had played this back in 1996 and if
I had seen the movies, I probably would have loved the experience. I might even speculate that some prominent
horror maps released after Hellraiser (the map, that is) were influenced by it, but that'd require the map to
have been better known. Still, probably a must-download for Hellraiser fans.
Rating: 71