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29th of June 2003

WGSpace 4 | Single | Author: William Gee | Download 102kt

Description: William's space saga has reached its fourth part. 'WGSpace 4' is very similar to 'WGSpace 1'. In fact they're so similar that you really can't tell which one's better.

Design: Yeah yeah it's good and it's big. Flashing lights, cyclers, colored lighting etc. It's all there. Walls, ceilings, floors are all very detailed with spritework all around. There are some transport trains, a spinning room (not so often used effect - used in E1L3), huge sprite bridge systems (which we have seen in William's other levels as well) etc. Although spritework is well used some sprites are a bit too stretched. Design varies a bit. There are huge halls, small hallways, space walks, burning rooms etc. Nothing surprising if you have played WGSpace 1 - but it's still brilliant.

Textures: Uses original E2 textures (including some hive materials as well). Textures are well mixed and colored lighting (palette changes) creates a nice atmosphere at times.

Gameplay: It's huge and there are tons of monsters. Combats are pretty easy as you're given a fair amount of weapons and ammunitions. Health is given when you need it. There are some explosions to spice up the gameplay. Although there are many places where you can go it's still quite linear. At least I didn't get lost. Button/key hunting without any outstanding plots or original puzzles.

Innovations: William maintains his own style which seems to be familiar with original E2 levels - just with a lot more details. Nothing outstanding if you have played other WGSpace levels. But ah - I just love those doors.

Conclusion: It's almost as good as WGSpace 1. In reality it might be even better but the impact was a bit lamer as I had seen it all before in WGSpace 1 already.

Rating: 96