Streets of Gotham City | Single | Author: Daniel Aashage | Download 101kt Daniel's latest 'We Store Your Crap!' was way too difficult level. Daniel has always placed some nice puzzles to his levels but 'WSYC!' went too far. Daniel's latest is a big city level. It has some good puzzles and challenges. I must admit that I was quite lost in the end (I thought I had to do something with jet pack). But anyways. Monsters are well placed. In one point you must defeat three Battlelords which is a nice thing at that point of the level. "Streets of Gotham City" has many locations like city levels usually do. You begin from a hotel. Every door there can be opened so there are no fake doors which many maps has. Then there's cafeteria, small shop, movie theater, nigth club, library and a nice swimming pool on the roof. Design is very good. Not that much details really but that would have affected on size a lot. Level is good as it is now. Streets might look a little bit empty. Ten secret places can be a good challenge for someone too. Nice add. |