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29th of December 2024

Black Fairy | Single | Author: DannyFromNewOrleans | Download

The Review: Oh look, another winter-themed map from DannyFromNewOrleans... But worry not, for this one stands apart from the rest. The "ceiling" is higher this time around, which allows for more y-axis gameplay, there's more space to move around and there are no nagging issues such as pervasive darkness. It's got the good stuff you'd expect from the author; attention to detail, good use of spritework (especially for smaller objects) and clean texturing with plenty of variety. There's also notably good use of some lighting effects such as spotlights and fires for the occasional "dramatic effect". A few times you get a good glimpse at the city's skyline; it kinda looks like one of those movie-set backdrops, definitely making it more interesting than another generic 2D "LA sky".
The map revolves around a small mall and some type of a warehouse/factory for what seems to be manufacturing and storing of mannequins. It's an unusual concept, but I applaud the author for having come up with something original in 2024.
Gameplay is a bit tough. There are plenty of monsters around, and you won't get your hands on heavy weaponry until much later, so you need to make the most out of what you have. (Luckily the Expander, which is always fun to use, gets plenty of mileage here.) Health always seemed scarce, and there are a few nasty ambushes along the way. I died only once (in the final fight), but the map made me feel like I had to be constantly alert about my surroundings. The finale is quite a battle in itself, but with quick feet you shouldn't have too much trouble resolving it.
As for things I didn't much care for, for one the map's monster count was maybe a bit too high for my taste, and there's too much silly button and door chasing in and around the factory segment. (And a few of the buttons are quite small and easy to miss too, which kinda exacerbates the issue.)

Conclusion: Black Fairy is a step forward for DannyFromNewOrleans, whose maps had been stagnating a bit recently. The map feels more open, it's challenging (and mostly in a fair way) and it's got a few unique ideas. (There's also an alternative version in the zip with less monsters - BUT it's also stingier with items, making it more of a survival experience.)

Rating: 94

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